Silver Swirls Ballroom Dress Collection in Progress
Showing you some of the stages of creating these gorgeous, elegant, & very sparkly, showy ballroom dresses!
For now, I'm calling this one Silver Swirls & envision it as either a fabulous solo ballroom dance dress or it will be great for an all around ballroom dance division as well! It will be embellished with the deep turquoise & blue Swarovski rhinestone work!
Currently, there are 4 dresses that will make up the "Silver Swirls" Ballroom Dress Collection! Look for them soon with all details!
Now complete, with Swarovski rhinestone work done in zircon & capri blue, I'm calling this one Adella. It features lots of beautiful flounces in various deep blue organzas, some textured & glittery or shimmery! It will be a very striking dress on the ballroom dance floor!
Adella is at the website now!

The start of a Latin/rhythm Silver Swirls Collection dance dress, for now, just pinned on pieces.

Phase two of this Silver Swirls Collection Latin/rhythm dress, pieces are all sewn on, now to start the Swarovski rhinestone work & hand beading in emerald green!

Getting close to complete on this Silver Swirls Collection Latin rhythm dress. The Swarovski rhinestone work is complete, unless I decide to add a bit more as I move on to the Swarovski hand beading.
She is complete & her name is Emerald!

This Silver Swirls will be a Converta Ballroom Dress, & planning on 3 different skirts to start. So far, this hot pink that will have some crystal teardrop shape Swarovski rhinestones through out the petal flounces!
This Silver Swirls Converta Ballroom Dress is complete & at the website! Look for the rest of the Silver Swirls Ballroom Dresses, with more to come, even a couple of Men's Latin Shirts!

This was Phase 1 of what now is a gorgeous rose pink converta ballroom dress in progress! When I started, I had a few options in mind of where to go with it from here.