Fringy Hologram Latin/Rhythm Pantsuits
Here are a few past Custom Fringy Hologram Latin/Rhythm Pantsuits created for clients to use as guidelines to have one created especially for you! Pricing will be dependent on fabrics, rhinestone & beadwork, as well as length of fringe used. You can also have more or less stonework or beading than you see on these examples. With these being created of hologram fabrics and/or hologram fringe, they would be fabulous even without rhinestones or beads, which would make the pricing between $700.00-$1000.00
If you choose a similar to these, price range would be $1200.00-$2000.00 & up if you wish for more rhinestone work.

Gold Hologram-Fringy Latin/Rhythm Dance Pantsuit. Variations are $1200.00 & up.
Purple Hologram-Latin/Rhythm Pantsuit. Variations are $1800.00 & up.
Liz-Fringy Latin-Rhythm Pantsuit. Variations are $1800.00 & up.
See Basic Fringy Latin/Rhythm Pantsuits & Fringy Latin/Rhythm Pantsuits
All custom orders require at least 8 weeks notice.